🔥 8,087,324 $CAKE just burned - that’s $11M!

💰 Trading fees (V2 and Perpetual): 218k CAKE ($297k) -37%
💰 Trading fees (V3): 55k CAKE ($76k) +12%
🔮 Prediction: 100k CAKE ($136k) -0%
🎟️ Lottery&Pottery: 39k CAKE ($53k) +24%
🔒 NFT Market, Profile & Factory: 1k CAKE ($1k) -17%
🔨 Auction: 30k CAKE ($40k)

*% change from last week is in CAKE

🔥🔥🔥 Proof of burn: https://bscscan.com/tx/0xb...

#PancakeSwap #Cake #burn #token #crypto #cryptocurrency #arzdigital #Bitcoin #Btc #کیک

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